Rehearsal Studios
Located at 4920 Reed Rd. Columbus, OH 43220
Need a practice room? We’ve got you! Book some studio time and enjoy our peaceful, quality practice spaces.
Make our location your teaching studio home! Ask us about our special teacher memberships today!
Looking for a private teacher? Send us a message and we’ll connect you with our network of highly skilled instructors!
Recording Services
You receive quality video or audio-only recordings produced, edited, and delivered in your desired format.
*Currently available only in Columbus, Ohio
You already have a recording, but it’s just not quite right…Let’s see what we can do to fix it! Consultation required.
Tech Lessons
You’re pretty tech savvy, but could use some coaching on how to make your own recordings. Set up a meeting with us, and we will walk you through how to achieve your best result at home.
Ready to work?
Send us a message today to get started.